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Boygenius Share Kristen Stewart-Directed Short Film ‘The Film’

Boygenius recently released their short film, The Film, directed by Kristen Stewart, alongside their debut studio album, The Record.

The short film, which runs just over 14 minutes, features the supergroup’s first three singles from The Record. The film begins with a triptych of each member late into the evening, with a fire crackling and Lucy Dacus humming along to the opener “Without You Without Them.”

Then, Julien Baker, wearing a neon orange safety vest, wakes up in a race car bed as her track “$20” unfolds. The clip features the T-bird graveyard, the fires, and more badassery all seen in the track’s visual.

Next comes “Emily I’m Sorry,” featuring the trio inside a stadium as Phoebe Bridgers sings in boxer shorts and a white-t-shirt as monster trucks roll by. She’s standing in front of a pile of cars, which the band eventually lights up in flames.

The “True Blue” section sees Dacus paint a room blue with help from the other two members of the band. The film ends with boygenius making out with each other.

(Photo: Harrison Whitford)

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