June 29, 2023 This week’s Mindbender Club poll asked, “What’s the most unusual thing you’ve seen cooked on a grill?” This was the #1 answer. Watermelon, followed by pizza, peaches, and pineapple
June 26, 2023 17% of people will do this on a vacation, but never do it when home. Try a new or “exotic” food
June 21, 2023 One in nine women say this was their favorite group activity in high school. Car washes
June 20, 2023 The average American worker will spend 24 minutes a week doing this at the office. Making coffee
June 16, 2023 This week’s Mindbender Club poll said, “Name one thing that always irritated your dad.” Number one was leaving doors open, followed by leaving lights on. What was #3? Mom
June 14, 2023 Although they may need to learn how to do it at some point, 32% of adults have no idea how to do this. Change a diaper
June 12, 2023 The number of people who do this alone has gone up nearly 30% in the last year. Go camping
June 9, 2023 This week’s Mindbender Club poll asked, “What was the first sign you were getting older?” The top answer involved aches and pains. What was #2? Going to bed early (and looking forward to it)
June 8, 2023 When asked for the #1 reason they had switched jobs, 10% of people said this. A shorter commute
June 7, 2023 Nearly a third of people refuse to go to a gym for this reason. They don’t know how to work the machines
June 6, 2023 Four in ten people will do this every night in bed, at least twice. Flip the pillow to the cool side
June 5, 2023 One in five people who put off doing this say it’s because they’re afraid of it. Cleaning out their fridge
June 2, 2023 Just under half of married couples have argued when the husband said this . . . That one of his wife’s friends was “hot.”